The tech preview of the KDE neon developer edition installable image was out yesterday. It’s an 800MB download you can dd onto a USB disk and run live or install.
Why are there no apps?
KDE neon doesn’t have builds of applications yet, we’re doing Qt, Frameworks and Plasma for now to keep it manageable while we get it up and running. Apps will come in future weeks.
No Konsole?
No apps yet as I say, xterm is included.
How do I install software?
Appstream issues mean Muon isn’t working well, you can use apt on an xterm.
It has “stable” in the name, does that mean it’s stable?
Not necessarily, it’s built from Git stable branches, not released software.
When will the user edition be available?
No timelines, whenever we can get it done
Does this include Qt 5.6?
It comes with Qt 5.5. Backporting Qt will be done when possible, it’s not our priority and there’s a bug with 5.6 currently anyway.
Why no Xenial?
Neon only uses a stable base, we’ll move to Xenial when it’s stable.
How do I install this?
It’s the developer edition, if you don’t know how to install it then it’s probably not for you.
Is this or is this not a distribution? You are a leader we must be told!
Look, you’ve got it all wrong! You don’t need to follow me. You don’t need to follow anybody! You’ve got to think for yourselves! You’re all individuals!
Mon système d’exploitation actuel est kubuntu 14.04 LTS (linux)
Je souhaite connaitre votre système d’exploitation
Avez vous ou existe t’il un programme ou une application pour créer un Live Usb ou Y a t’il d’autres méthodes en ligne de commande (dd) pour cela ou en sudo (méthode ligne de commande de kubuntu -linux).
J’ai tester la méthode dd de ubuntu sur ce lien pour oracle soalaris 11.3 et freebds et cela ne fonctionne pas.
Merci d’avance pour votre réponse.
Victor Emmanuel
My current OS is Kubuntu 14.04 LTS (linux)
I want to know your operating system
Have you or is there a program or application to create a Live USB or Are there other online control methods (dd) for it or sudo (command line method kubuntu-linux).
I tested the method on ubuntu dd this link to oracle soalaris 11.3 and freebds and it does not work.
Thank you in advance for your answer.
Victor Emmanuel
Same here. I created an usb stick of neon-useredition-20160515-1018-amd64.iso with dd. It did not boot and cannot boot on UEFI-Systems.
Yes there’s no UEFI support currently, still working on that
What’s the bug with Qt that makes it not-currently-viable?
For what it’s worth, the code is already merged
and there’s a good chance of trying it 🙂
I will have to try it out, Plasma 5 looks great, we need a way to have recent builds without waiting for the 6 month release.
“I’m not…”