Akademy Day Trip


The GCC 5 Transition caused the apocalypse so we went out to see the world while it still existed


No Soy Líder, Ahora Soy El Capitán


See Hoarse


El Torre


We will climb this!


David reached the top


Fin de la terre!

Akademy A Coruña Photos

HJensSaturday lunch Lunch Time

Smart Tech and Sensible Tech

Jens describes Skittles and Doritos

Akademy team The wonderful organising team! Akademy Award winners

Elite Kubuntu developer Scarlett wins an Akademy Award! Developerymobil

Sebas shows off Plasma Mobile phone with a look that suggests he wants world domination by next year

akademy2015Group photo IMG_6485

hacking area

IMG_6450GCompris demos, ooh la la IMG_5992

The opening ceremony to remember absent friends

Plasma Mobile Images by Kubuntu

Yesterday we revealed the project we’ve been working on for the last few months, Plasma Mobile and images of it on Kubuntu.

KDE has been trying for years to get Plasma working on different form factors with mixed success, so when I first started on this I was pretty intimidated.  But we looked around for how to build this and it turns out there is software for it just lying around on the internet ready to be put together.  Incredible.

It got very stressful when we couldn’t get anything showing on the screen for a few weeks but the incredible Martin G got Wayland working with it in KWin, so now KDE has not just the first open mobile project but also one of the first systems running with Wayland.

And with Shashlik in the pipeline we are due to be able to run Android applications on it too giving us one of the largest application ecosystems out there.

The question is will there be traction from the community?  You can join us in the normal Plasma ways, #plasma on Freenode and plasma-devel mailing list and #kubuntu-devel to chat about making images for other devices.  I’m very excited to see what will happen in the next year.

Plasma Mobile announcement.


Voy a ir Akademy-ES

Voy a ir Akademy-ES el jueves para dar una charla se llama “Plugfest Conferencia Protocolos”. Es un revisión de esta conferencia an Marzo y un corto versión de mi charla se llama “interoperabilidad del escritorio Linux”.