KDE is All About the Apps as I hope everyone knows, we have top quality apps that we are pushing out to all channels to spread freedom and goodness.
As part of promoting our apps we updated the kde.org/applications pages so folks can find out what we make. Today we’ve added some important new features:
Here on the KMyMoney page you can see the lovely new release that they made recently along with the source download link.
The “Install on Linux” link has been there for a while and uses the Appstream ID to open Discover which will offer you the install based on any installation source known to Discover: Packagekit, Snap or Flatpak.
Here in the Krita page you can see it now offers downloads from the Microsoft Store and from Google Play.
Or if you prefer a direct download it links to AppImages, macOS and Windows installs.
And here’s the KDE connect page where you can see they are true Freedom Lovers and have it on the F-Droid store.
All of this needs some attention from people who do the releases. The KDE Appstream Guidelines has the info on how to add this metadata. Remember it needs added to master branch as that is what the website scans.
There is some tooling to help, the appstream-metainfo-release-update script and recently versions of appstreamcli.
Help needed! If you spot out of date info on the site do let me or another Web team spod know. Future work includes getting more apps on more stores and also making the release service scripts do more automated additions of this metadata. And some sort of system that scans the download site or maybe uses debian watch files to check for the latest release and notify someone if it’s not in the Appstream file would be super.
Thanks to Carl for much of the work on the website, formidable!
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