KDiagram 3.0.0

KDiagram is two powerful libraries (KChart, KGantt) for creating business diagrams.

Version 3.0.0 is now available for packaging.

It moves KDiagram to use Qt 6. It is co-installable with previous Qt 5 versions and distros may want to package both alongside each other for app compatibility.

URL: https://download.kde.org/stable/kdiagram/3.0.0/
SHA256: 6d5f53dfdd019018151c0193a01eed36df10111a92c7c06ed7d631535e943c21

Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell jr@jriddell.org

KWeatherCore 0.8.0

KWeatherCore is a library to facilitate retrieval of weather information including forecasts and alerts.

0.8.0 is available for packaging now

URL: https://download.kde.org/stable/kweathercore/0.8.0/
SHA256: 9bcac13daf98705e2f0d5b06b21a1a8694962078fce1bf620dbbc364873a0efeS
Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

This release moves the library to use Qt 6. It is not compatible with older Qt 5 versions of the library so should only be packaged when KWeather is released or in testing archives.

qqc2-breeze5-style 6 Alpha

qqc2-breeze5-style is a theme used by Plasma Mobile. This alpha release is a re-bundling of the Plasma/5.27 branch of qqc2-breeze-style. It is for use by distros shipping alpha releases of Plasma 6 so that Qt 5 apps continue to be themed appropriately.

URL: https://download.kde.org/unstable/qqc2-breeze5-style/

SHA256: 813f9da4861567e70d1eccf3a3a092d802ac9475a91070fb47fa

Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

Oxygen Icons 6 Alpha Released

Oxygen Icons is an icon theme for use with any XDG compliant app and desktop.

It is part of KDE Frameworks 6 but is now released independently to save on resources.

This is the first (and likely only) pre-release, versioned 5.245.0, and it will have a stable release alongside KDE Frameworks 6 in February.

Distros which ship this version can drop the version released as part of KDE Frameworks 5.

sha256: b082a1a9a6d06cdeee2863555951609e95dd499f133035d04719a16f8500497f

URL: https://download.kde.org/unstable/oxygen-icons/

Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

KDSOAP WS-Discovery Client 0.3.0

This project is trying to create a WS-Discovery client library based on the KDSoap

The name is short for Klarälvdalens Datakonsult AB Simple Object Access Protocol Web Services Addressing Discovery Client

It is used by the SMB KIO worker from kio-extras.

kio-extras will have two releases as part of KDE’s 6th Megarelease, one for Qt 5 and one for Qt 6. Distros should build and ship both versions of kio-extras but the Qt5 build should use an internal static copy of kdsoap-ws-discovery-client so does not need to be built separately. The Qt 6 build of kio-extras does need this external build of kdsoap-ws-discovery-client. Distros will need an up to date copy of KDSoap library https://github.com/KDAB/KDSoap/tags.

SHA 256: 5007747f1ce607639bb63244f8894c03a15194c0a891b8d85e10d76dbdf79188
URL: https://download.kde.org/unstable/kdsoap-ws-discovery-client/
Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

XWayland Video Bridge 0.3

# XWayland Video Bridge (xwaylandvideobridge)

The first stable release of XWayland Video Bridge is out now for packaging.


sha256 f8da6e8fe0ec3bd5ea797af8aad8fe1daab36fc3c77e2d36bb7443832cdfcffa

Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

# About

By design, X11 applications can’t access window or screen contents for wayland clients. This is fine in principle, but it breaks screen sharing in tools like Discord, MS Teams, Skype, etc and more.

This tool allows us to share specific windows to X11 clients, but within the control of the user at all times.

# How to use

xwaylandvideobridge should autostart on login. It will run in the background. Next time you try to share a window a prompt will appear.
The previously selected window should now be available for sharing. The title will always be “Wayland to X11 bridge” no matter what window is selected.

The system tray icon provides finer control.

# Use outside Plasma

This should work on any desktop that supports the Xdg desktop portals and Pipewire streaming and have a working system tray.

# Future

Ideally this should be more automatic, but this tool aims purely to serve as a stop-gap whilst we wait for these clients to get native wayland support and for the surrounding wayland protocols to be better. How much more it gets developed depends on feedback and how the surrounding ecosystem evolves.

KUserFeedback 1.3.0

KUserFeedback is a library for collecting user feedback for apps via telemetry and surveys.
Version 1.3.0 is now available for packaging.

This version adds the option to build it for Qt 6. It can also be built for Qt 5 and distros may want to package it twice, however this will mean handling some overlapping files and most apps which use it will be ported to Qt 6 as part of the KDE 6 MegaReleases in February so distros may prefer to drop Qt 5 builds then.

sha256 252308b822dd4690ea85ab1688c9b0da5512978ac6b435f77a5979fc1d2ffd13

URL https://download.kde.org/stable/kuserfeedback/

Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

* new release 1.3
* Add CC0-1.0 license
* Do not look for QtHelp if docs are disabled
* Remove unneeded setting of CMake policies, implied by requiring 3.16
* Add flatpak CI
* Bump minimum cmake version to 3.16
* Add explicit moc includes to sources for moc-covered headers
* Remove Designer&#39;s &quot;.&quot; normaloff file data from icon properties in .ui files
* Use latest-kf6 branch for Qt6
* In qt6 plugin name is KUserFeedbackQmlQt6
* PHP 8 compatibility
* Fix Qt 6 build of PHP-dependent unit tests
* categoryaggregationmodel
* Fix include form (use &quot;&quot; instead of &lt;&gt;) for provider.h
* Remove forward declaration as include is already defined
* Fix debug message
* Autogenerate debug categories
* Create logging_p.cpp directly
* Fix show headers in qtc6
* Compatibility is not necessary now
* kuserfeedback_version.h was not installed
* Fix compatibility (install temporary include in KUserFeedBack too)
* Add warning about removing compatibility
* Show all headers in includes
* KUserFeedbackConsole is an internal static lib too
* Not necessary here as it&#39;s an internal static lib
* Fix install target file
* Allow to co-install
* Port to new syntax
* Add Qt 6 Android CI
* typos–
* Add Qt6 windows CI support
* Hide finding docs dependencies behind ENABLE_DOCS
* Install translations
* qtversionsource: fix Qt 6.5 build
* avoid invalid lastX times
* .gitlab-ci.yml: enable static builds
* add it to CI qt6 bsd
* Fix cmakename in metainfo.yaml
* Tell no data has been sent if no data has been sent
* Give the dialog an actual title
* Remove duplicate header between cpp/h files
* Add windows CI

libqaccessibilityclient 0.5.0

libqaccessibilityclient 0.5.0 is out now. The release adds Qt 6 support. libqaccessibilityclient is used by KMag and KWin both of which have forthcoming releases that are ported to Qt 6 so there should be no need for distros to build two versions.


Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>

* new release: new version and new ECM URL
* Bump min required Qt6 to 6.5
* Port away from deprecated operator+(Qt::Modifier modifier, Qt::Key key
* Port away from deprecated QVariant::Type
* Add explicit moc includes to sources for moc-covered headers
* Use ECMDeprecationSettings
* Have export macros header include version header (Qt6-only)
* Use QAccessibilityClient6 as package name for Qt6 version
* Use variable to hold CMake config name, also targets file name
* Install headers into QAccessibilityClient/ visibility layer
* Move version setup into src/ subdir
* Use generic target name for generated library
* Move library target property setting next to declaration
* Move CMake config template file into src/ subdir
* Remove unimplemented methods
* Use ECM master when building for Qt6
* Use CamelCase includes
* Fix finding the unit test helper executable
* Add FreeBSD Qt6 CI support
* Add Gitlab CI
* Remove duplicate header between cpp/h files
* We depend against qt5.15
* Use -qt6 when we build against qt6
* Fix find_package
* Fix signals
* Adapt build system for building against qt6
* It&#39;s already define in ecm
* Make compile with strict compile flags
* Make building without deprecated methods
* Fix some compile error
* Add CI definitions information for seed job
* Use more target-centric cmake code
* Use GenerateExportHeader
* Remove module prefixe from Qt includes
* Do not use deprecate QFlatgs(nullptr) constructor
* Fix member init order to match definition order
* Clean up include dirs
* Convert license statements to SPDX expressions
* Add support for AccessibleId property
* Update README.md a bit
* Support API documentation generation with kapidox
* Remove the references to projects.kde.org
* Fix qstring minor optimization
* Port setMargins
* Use only undeprecated KDEInstallDirs variables
* KDECMakeSettings already cares for CMAKE_AUTOMOC and BUILD_TESTING
* Fix use in cross compilation
* more complete release instructions

Phonon 4.12.0 and Phonon-VLC 0.12.0

Phonon 4.12.0 and Phonon-VLC (phonon-backend-vlc) have new releases today which add Qt 6 support. These tars will by default build Qt 5 and 6 at the same time and we advise distros to ship both builds.

Phonon GStreamer (phonon-backend-gstreamer) is deprecated and we do not advise to use it.




  • Future-proof build fix for clang > 16
  • Allow build against Qt6 when also built against Qt5
  • Mark Qt6Core5Compat as REQUIRED for Qt6 builds
  • let the user opt out of qt 5 or 6 builds
  • bring back includes dir
  • build qt5 and 6 at the same time
  • be explicit about default values
  • fix build for qt6
  • Omit legacy CMake variables when building with Qt 6
  • fix build with clang-16
  • Don’t install legacy includes when building against Qt 6
  • Allow to build against last kf6
  • Add Windows Qt 6 CI
  • Update the translations folder name
  • Don’t redefine CMAKE_MODULE_PATH
  • .gitlab-ci.yml: enable static builds
  • Port away from deprecated INSTALL_TARGETS_DEFAULT_ARGS
  • Add FreeBSD Qt6 CI support
  • We depend against qt5.15 now
  • Add Windows CI
  • Add Android Qt5 and Qt6 CI
  • Take out empty deprecated registerMetaTypes() method in Qt6 builds
  • We need const char * (make compile qt6 apps)
  • Qt::AA_UseHighDpiPixmaps is enabled by default in qt6
  • Add Qt5 and Qt6 Linux CI
  • Fix the Qt6 build
  • Fix phonon lib name
  • Fix coding style + increase ecm
  • Adapt build system for building against qt6
  • Adapt code for building against qt6
  • Make it compiles without deprecated methods
  • Add KDE CI configuration for Phonon
  • Fix typos found by codespell
  • Update IRC network name in Doxygen main page
  • Allow to compile with unity support
  • Port away from deprecated Qt methods
  • Remove module prefixes from Qt includes
  • Port away from deprecated QList::swap(i, j)
  • Port away from deprecated qVariantFromValue()
  • Use Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS in same namespace as flags definition
  • Use more nullptr
  • Improve metainfo.yaml
  • Use NO_POLICY_SCOPE with KDECompilerSettings
  • Remove explicit use of ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR, is part of ECM_MODULE_PATH
  • Remove “virtual” where “override” is used; add missing virtual in destructors
  • Revert “Port deprecated qVariantFromValue method”
  • Port deprecated qVariantFromValue method
  • bump to 4.11.1 for release
  • Remove phonon from the include directory
  • throw out the qml demo
  • import gpl2 for new settings source code
  • Reorder cmake macro includes




  • drop support for libvlc 2.x
  • support qt5/6 multibuild
  • mediaobject new can throw but does not return null
  • .gitignore ignore /compile_commands.json
  • Add Linux Qt 5 CI
  • Update the translations folder name
  • Remove explicit use of ECM_KDE_MODULE_DIR, is part of ECM_MODULE_PATH
  • Make compile against qt6
  • Add override keyword + use nullptr
  • Show all headers in qtc6
  • Adapt build system for building against qt6
  • Use Qt::end
  • Remove obsolete include
  • Use override keyword
  • Use QStringLiteral (QLAtin1String is deprecated)
  • Fix typos found by codespell
  • debug vmem format setup
  • use picture_t to calculate pitch lines
  • Update the obsolete projects.kde.org URL
  • Revert “Port deprecated QLatin1Literal -> QLatin1String”
  • Port deprecated QLatin1Literal -> QLatin1String
  • preliminary vlc4 port
  • only set xwindow when the qt platform actually is xcb (on unix)

Signed by E0A3EB202F8E57528E13E72FD7574483BB57B18D Jonathan Esk-Riddell <jr@jriddell.org>