Planet KDE: Now with Added Twits

Twitter seems ever dominant and important for communication. Years ago I added a microblogging feed to Planet KDE but that still needed people to add themselves and being all idealistic I added support for anything with an RSS feed assuming people would use more-free But went away and Twitter I think removed their RSS ability but got ever more important and powerful.or the relaunched theme a couple of years ago we added some Twitter feeds but they were hidden away and little used.

So today I’ve made them show by default and available down the side.  There’s one which is for all feeds with a #kde tag and one with @kdecommunity feed. You can hide them by clicking the Microblogging link at the top. Let me know what you think.

Update: my Bootstrap CSS failed and on medium sized monitors it moved all the real content down to below the Twitter feeds rather than floating to the side so I’ve moved them to the bottom instead of the side.  Anyone who knows Bootstrap better than me able to help fix?

I’ve also done away with the planetoids.,, and several others. These were little used and when I asked representatives from the communities about them they didn’t even know they existed. Instead we have categories which you can see with the Configure Feed menu at the top to select languages.

I allowed the <embed> tag which allow for embedding YouTube videos and other bits.  Don’t abuse it folks 🙂

Finally Planet KDE moved back to where it belongs: Because KDE is a community, it should not be afraid of its community.

Let me know of any issues or improvements that could be made.